Backend Development
Ensuring websites performs correctly, focusing on databases, back-end logic, application programming interface (APIs), architecture, and servers.
United Talent Agency
Site Rebuild and Replatforming
United Talent Agency (UTA) is a leading global talent and entertainment company representing many of the most acclaimed figures in film, television, music, and more. As the company continued to expand, UTA decided to integrate their various web properties under one custom platform.

Jono Pandolfi
eCommerce Site Design and Development
Jono Pandolfi crafts elegant, ceramic dinnerware for professional chefs & serious home cooks internationally and throughout the US.
Prior to 2020, Jono Pandolfi strictly sold Business-to-Business (B2B). During the pandemic, they made a shift to include Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) to the structure of their business. This required a transition to a website that could accommodate both business models and revenue streams.

Farm to People
eCommerce Startup Design and Development
Farm to People is a grocery delivery startup that aims to create a fairer food system by making locally sourced food conveniently available to everyone in NYC.
Having seen success in their early days, Farm to People was ready to upgrade their online platform and start scaling. They needed a site that would allow them to easily manage their inventory and track online purchases, all while reflecting their recognizable brand and ethos.